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Looking after our community and providing excellent care

SG Maternal and Infant Nutrition Survey

A reminder for those ladies who received a questionnaire via the antenatal clinic/maternity department to go on line and complete the questionnaire as there is only a short time left!

The survey has now closed for paper returns but is still open until Monday 24 July 2017 for online responses, you will find details on your paper survey. Remember this is just for those who have already received the questionnaire.

We would appreciate if you take a few minutes to complete the return.

SG Maternal and Infant Nutrition Survey reminder poster

Getting in touch

We shall be delighted to hear from you, so here are the various ways of contacting us:

The Balfour

By telephone to:
01856 888100
(during office hours)

01856 888000
(out of hours)

By e-mail to:

By letter to the address below:

Foreland Road
KW15 1NZ