NHS Orkney Flu Vaccination Process 2020
As part of the Scottish Government's agreed nationwide change to vaccinations, this year’s flu campaign will be led jointly by NHS Orkney and the local GP practices.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the way that flu clinics have been traditionally delivered will need to be different this year.
Due to the need to keep both patients and staff safe there will no longer be large-scale drop-in events. Flu vaccines will instead be delivered by pre-arranged appointments.
• We are finalising this years flu process and will be advertising the process of how to book in for this years flu vaccine by the end of next week (week ending 25 September).
• We will advertise these details via social media including facebook, Radio Orkney, and the Orcadian
• We appreciate that currently some patients are receiving letters from Scottish Government. GP Practices are currently very busy and therefore we ask if you can help us by not phoning your GP Practice about the flu vaccine at the moment and instead wait for us to advertise next week details of how to book your appointment.
Thank you very much for your help and understanding it is much appreciated.