New Wheelchair Tipper for NHS Orkney's Public Dental Service
NHS Orkney's Public Dental Service, which treats many patients who require additional support with mobility, recently saw a welcome development in the service. The installation of a new piece of equipment- a wheelchair tipper which will significantly improve access.
The wheelchair tipper allows a patient to remain in their wheelchair whilst having dental treatment carried out and avoids the need to use a hoist, or other means, to transfer to a standard dental chair. Using the wheelchair tipper is simple, fast, comfortable and most importantly, more dignified for the user. An additional feature of the new equipment is the ability to add a bariatric bench, should a patient require.
Pictured are: Rosaleen Sutherland (Dental Nurse Team Lead) and Karen Nicholson (Dental Nurse – Special Care) from NHS Orkney Public Dental Service. 'Modelling' the kit is Jay Wragg (our Clinical Dental Director) and Ronnie Johnson (Non Executive Director).