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Looking after our community and providing excellent care

Let’s nip cervical cancer in the bud

Women across Scotland are being urged to ‘nip cervical cancer in the bud’ by going for their smear tests.

NHS Health Scotland and the Scottish Government have launched a drive to get women talking about cervical screening, and raise awareness of its benefits.

The campaign will target those aged 25-35 in Scotland, as cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women of this age group. Statistics highlight between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016, one in three women (33 per cent) aged 25-35 didn’t go for their smear when invited.

A short film has been created to challenge the reasons women give for not attending their smear.

With six women being diagnosed with cervical cancer every week in Scotland, the film urges viewers to ‘nip cervical cancer in the bud’, by not ignoring their next smear invite or contacting their GP practice if they missed their last smear.

A smear test can detect cells that could turn into cancer. The five minute test is the best way to protect women from the disease and helps save around 5,000 lives a year in the UK.

All women in Scotland aged 25 to 49 are offered a smear test every three years while those aged 50 to 64 are invited every five years.

‘Flower’ can be viewed here:

For more information on cervical screening, visit

Cervical Screening poster

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