Keep Healthy, Keep Hydrated campaign launches to spread benefits of drinking water
Keep Healthy, Keep Hydrated is a new campaign being launched to remind everyone of the importance of regularly drinking water.
The campaign aims to remind us all of the importance of keeping well hydrated no matter what we are doing, with active people needing to have more to drink to keep a good balance of hydration.
The NHS recommends that adults need 1.5 to 2 litres per day - whether sitting at a desk at work or school, or undertaking any physical or sporting activity - it is essential to drink enough water throughout the day.
NHS Orkney, ActiveLife and Active Schools are behind the campaign and staff have been working in schools promoting the ‘Keep Healthy, Keep Hydrated’ message over the past 18 months.
Over the coming weeks banners and posters will be appearing throughout the community highlighting the importance and benefits of keeping well hydrated. Alongside this there will be regular social media messages to support the campaign from the NHS Orkney Facebook page.
“Being thirsty is an early sign that you need to have a drink,” explained Karyn Tait, NHS Orkney Oral Health Team Lead. “But headaches, fatigue, irritability, poor concentration and poor mental and physical performance may all be signs too. Simply having a drink of water might help to prevent such symptoms.”
Michael Swanney, Orkney Islands Council’s Active Schools Coordinator, said: “We know through our work with school pupils that staying hydrated can help kids stay on top of their game, whether that’s on the sports field, in the playground, or being able to concentrate on their school work. It’s a lesson all of us can learn, to help ensure we’re energised and alert throughout the day.”
One of the banners will be sited at The Pickaquoy Centre who have helped to fund the project. James Linklater, Managing Director, said: “The Pickaquoy Centre fully supports this campaign. We have a number of water stations throughout the facility and encourage our customers to refill their water bottles. Whether that be after exercise, watching a film in the cinema or while parents wait for their children to finish an activity, it’s essential to stay hydrated.”
Karyn added: “Water is the best choice for a healthy body and teeth. It is sugar free and calorie free - and freely available!”
Look out for the posters and banners that show a water bottle full of water with the question ‘Have you got your water bottle with you today?’
For more information about healthy hydration, visit the British Nutrition Foundation Website at and follow the NHS Orkney Facebook page.
Pictured are Michelle Green, Pickaquoy Centre, Michael Swanney, Active Schools, and Karyn Tait, NHS Orkney