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Looking after our community and providing excellent care

Finance and Performance Committee

The Finance and Performance Committee is a standing committee of the Board, established to provide assurance across the healthcare system regarding finance and performance, ensuring alignment across whole system planning and commissioning.

The Committee provides assurance in respect of the safeguarding of public money and that resources are being used to secure best value, that appropriate arrangements are in place to deliver against organisational performance measures, to secure economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the use of all resources, and provide assurance that the arrangements are working effectively.

Chair:  Davie Campbell, Board Vice Chair

Vice-Chair:  Vacant

Lead Officer:  Melanie Barnes, Interim Director of Finance

Getting in touch

We shall be delighted to hear from you, so here are the various ways of contacting us:

The Balfour

By telephone to:
01856 888100
(during office hours)

01856 888000
(out of hours)

By e-mail to:

By letter to the address below:

Foreland Road
KW15 1NZ