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Looking after our community and providing excellent care


Appointments to see a Cardiologist

You may need to to be seen in person or sometimes Cardiologists assess patients by telephone or via Near Me video system.  It would be best to have an up to date list of your medication to hand no matter how you are being seen.

Implanted Device Clinic

Patients with pacemakers, implanted defibrillators and other implanted devices are reviewed regularly by the Pacemaker Team from NHS Grampian.  They usually visit The Balfour every second month.  Urgent pacemaker and implanted defibrillator problems can sometimes be dealt with in Orkney outwith these clinics depending upon the problem identified.

Tests that can be performed in the Cardiology Clinic:

Holter monitoring - this appointment takes up to 30 minutes.  A monitor is fitted and you go home wearing it for 24 hours (or more if your Clinician has requested this). The monitor records your ECG continuously.  It is important that you keep the monitor dry (no showering or bathing until it is removed).  It is important to get the monitor back to the Cardiology Clinic as soon as possible so that the memory card inside it can be sent to Aberdeen for analysis and so that the monitor can be used for the next patient.  Results can take 6-8 weeks to be processed and the result is returned to the Clinician that requested the test.  If you wonder if the result is back, please phone your GP who will be able to check for you. 

Patient activated monitoring - this appointment takes up to 30 minutes.  These monitors are used when symptoms are less frequent than 3 times weekly and do not record continuously (they only make a recording when the record button is pressed). 

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring - this appointment takes up to 30 minutes.  It is very important for Clinicians to know what a person's blood pressure is like when they're not in a clinic situation.  These monitors are used to take a person's blood pressure over a full 24 hour period, taking recordings every half hour during the daytime and every hour overnight.  It is important to return the monitor as soon as the recording period is complete so that the monitor can be downloaded, results given to the referring Clinician and the monitor can be fitted for the next patient. 

Exercise tolerance testing (treadmill testing) - this appointment takes up to 45 minutes.  Please wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes for walking on the treadmill.  No tights (ECG electrodes need to be placed on your ankles for a short time).  This test is often done to investigate symptoms which occur on exercise.  ECG electrodes and a blood pressure cuff are fitted and you are asked to walk on a treadmill.  The aim of the test is to try to increase your pulse to an individualised target rate, to assess if there are any changes in the ECG and blood pressure with exercise.  Please let us know ahead of the appointment if you think that walking on a treadmill would cause you difficulty - for example if you have joint pain, if you require a walking aid to walk or if you're unable to walk.

Echocardiogram (also called a heart scan or 'echo') - this appointment takes up to 45 minutes.  It's an ultrasound scan of your heart and looks at the physical structure of your heart - how the muscle is pumping and how the valves are working.  There is no preparation required for this test (no fasting required).

Link to further information on cardiac tests:

Cardiac Rehabililtation 

What is Cardiac Rehabilitation for? 

Cardiac rehabilitation is safe and is designed to help people to recover and get back to as full a life as possible after a cardiac event such as cardiac surgery, a heart attack and it can help people live with a long term cardiac condition such as heart failure.

Why is Cardiac Rehabilitation important?

Studies show that people who take part in a Cardiac Rehabilitation programme after a cardiac event are able to do more, feel more confident and lead a healthier lifestyle than people who do not attend.

If you feel you would benefit from Cardiac Rehabilitation please discuss this with your GP who will be able to refer you to the Rehabilitation team if they think that this would be appropriate for you. 

Please don't start a course of exercise after a cardiac event without first discussing this with your GP or the Cardiac Rehab Team at The Balfour.  The link below is for patients already assessed as suitable to start a course of exercise: 


A full range of Cardiology Information leaflets are available at the Cardiology Clinic.  Here are links to the most popular leaflets:

British Heart Foundation: 

Relevant Websites:

Free Self Help for Wellbeing and Mental Health:

Space in Coronary Heart Disease from Depression and Anxiety:

To access this resource you'll need a referral from your GP or Cardiac Nurse.  You'll then be give a code to access the programme online.  This is suitable for individuals with mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety who are living with a formal diagnosis of coronary heart disease (CHD). 

Peer Support:

Free online space for people with heart and circulatory conditions to get information and support from people who are going through similar situations:

Heart Failure Nurse Support:

The Heart Failure Nurse Service supports patients who have a diagnosis for Heart Failure following an inpatient stay or Cardiology Clinic appointment.  The aim of this service is to reduce hospital re-admissions and to help enable people to self manage their conditions so that they can live with this long term condition. 

Useful links for Heart Failure Information and Support:


There is also a local Heart Support Group who are always delighted to welcome new members, contact details are below:

Orkney Heart Support Group



For more information:

01856 888195

Getting in touch

We shall be delighted to hear from you, so here are the various ways of contacting us:

The Balfour

By telephone to:
01856 888100
(during office hours)

01856 888000
(out of hours)

By e-mail to:

By letter to the address below:

Foreland Road
KW15 1NZ