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Looking after our community and providing excellent care

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)

Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a common disorder affecting the nervous system that can cause a number of different symptoms such as movement difficulties, changes in sensation, speech or thinking, or episodes of altered consciousness (non-epileptic attacks). Symptoms can be different for each person.  

NHS Grampian, NHS Orkney and your GP work closely to diagnose and support people with FND. 

Diagnosis can made by a medical professional with specialist training which may be your GP or a Neurologist. They use a combination of personal history, examination, and tests to make that diagnosis, which usually requires travel to Aberdeen.   Most people do not need a hospital admission and are seen either face to face or in a video-link clinic. 

FND is treatable, many people improve and some recover.  

Key to this recovery and managing your condition is understanding your diagnosis and the symptoms you have, identifying how they are triggered and what you can do to influence this and retrain your brain. Depending on your symptoms Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychiatry and Psychology can help, and your GP or Neurologist may discuss these with you.  

Your follow-up and who provides it will depend upon your individual symptoms and the support you require.  

More about my condition   

Things I can do for myself  

National Support 

  • FND DimensionsUK charity providing support groups for people with FND

Local support 

Local community network providing practical and confidential support to young families 

Website providing information and advice on who to contact for support to children, teenagers, young adults and families with older children   

Local charity providing befriending services and a Community Directory of other community and voluntary groups in Orkney  

Local charity supporting carers with information, emotional support and practical help. 

Accepts referrals and requests for care services and points you in the right direction to help you find what you need 

Local charity providing care support services and advice for older adults (50+) living in Orkney 

We hope that you have found this page useful. Please contact us if you think we have made a mistake or missed anything important; if the links to do not work or simply to provide your feedback to: 

This page has been developed as part of a local Neurological Framework Project supported by funding from the Scottish Government 2021-2022.
Getting in touch

We shall be delighted to hear from you, so here are the various ways of contacting us:

The Balfour

By telephone to:
01856 888100
(during office hours)

01856 888000
(out of hours)

By e-mail to:

By letter to the address below:

Foreland Road
KW15 1NZ