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Looking after our community and providing excellent care

Vaccination Certificate

How to access your Covid vaccination record:

All Covid vaccinations given in Scotland have been recorded in the National Clinical Data Store (NCDS); your vaccination certificate is created using this information.

You can access your record of vaccines given in Scotland via this link:

The page will look like this:

image 1


Scroll down until you see this:

image 2

Most people in Orkney will not have received a username because we did not use the National Vaccination Scheduling System (NVSS) to send out letters. However, if you did receive a letter because you were registered with a GP in a Scottish board area which used NVSS, then your username will be on your letter. Just click on the link ‘request a copy of your vaccination status’ to log in.

  • For those who do not have a username, click on ‘recover username’

You will see this:

image 3

Filling in your details:

Please note, the name, date of birth and postcode must be the same as on your GP record. A common problem is where the postcode that people are trying to enter is incorrect – either because it is incorrect on their GP record, or because they have not updated their address with their GP practice.  If you get stuck, please check what postcode your GP has for you.

Previously, people who were temporary residents could not access their record because they did not have a Scottish health number called a CHI, which is how the vaccination data is linked with GP data. If you were vaccinated in Orkney and have never been permanently registered with a GP in Scotland, it is unlikely that you will be able to request your vaccination certificate via NHS Inform. If this is the case, please contact for assistance.

Once you can see your record, then you can request a certificate to be posted out to you. It usually takes a few days but can take up to 14.

If you still cannot access your record, or if you prefer to phone, then please phone the helpline as above on 0808 196 8565. They will be able to issue your certificate to you. 

Please only contact NHS Orkney to request help if you have tried the online form, checked all your details are correct, and have phoned the helpline. We cannot issue a certificate, but we may be able to provide a letter if it is impossible for you to get a certificate from NHS Inform or the helpline. Please note, a letter is not the same as an official certificate and may not be accepted for travel. For more information on how to request this, please see the Access to Personal Information section of our website,

We cannot write a letter to confirm any vaccines that have been given outside Scotland.

If you have tried NHS Inform and the national helpline and are still unable to access your Covid vaccination record, please contact us via, providing your full name, date of birth, address, and the dates and venues of your Covid vaccinations, and we will do our best to assist in resolving this for you.

Getting in touch

We shall be delighted to hear from you, so here are the various ways of contacting us:

The Balfour

By telephone to:
01856 888100
(during office hours)

01856 888000
(out of hours)

By e-mail to:

By letter to the address below:

Foreland Road
KW15 1NZ