Stroke and Mini Stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA)
Below are a number of links to more information about your condition and local support.
More about my condition
Things I can do for myself
- Eating well
- Sleeping well
- Keeping active
- Managing stress
- Thinking and Cognition
- Continuing my employment or education
National Helpline Support
- CHSS Advice Line: 0808 801 0899
Local Support
Local charity providing befriending services and a Community Directory of other community and voluntary groups in Orkney
Local charity supporting carers with information, emotional support and practical help.
Accepts referrals and requests for care services and points you in the right direction to help you find what you need
Local charity providing Dial a Bus, Shop Mobility and equipment advice / and sale services
Local community network providing practical and confidential support to young families
Website providing information and advice on who to contact for support to children, teenagers, young adults and families with older children
Local charity providing care support services and advice for older adults (50+) living in Orkney
We hope that you have found this page useful. Please contact us if you think we have missed anything important; if you have any issues accessing the pages or simply to provide your feedback to: