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Looking after our community and providing excellent care

Sexual Health

The Nordhaven Clinic offers a range of free and confidential sexual health advice and treatment, including free condoms and Condoms by Post, contraception, confidential advice, emergency contraception and STI testing and treatment.

Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

We also hold a Young People’s Drop-In Clinic every Wednesday afternoon from 3:30pm - 5:30pm - No need for an appointment

Visit us at the The Balfour, Foreland Road, Kirkwall (through the GP entrance) or telephone 01856 888 917 for an appointment or to speak to a Doctor

Visit our website -

Or find us on Facebook -

This is an NHS Clinic - no charges are made for services provided

For more information:

01856 888917

Getting in touch

We shall be delighted to hear from you, so here are the various ways of contacting us:

The Balfour

By telephone to:
01856 888100
(during office hours)

01856 888000
(out of hours)

By e-mail to:

By letter to the address below:

Foreland Road
KW15 1NZ