GP Practices
Across the islands there are 16 recognised points for providing General Practice services.
There are 24 General Practitioners (GPs) spread over 6 Practices supported by, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Community Nurses. Our remoter small islands are single-handed GP or Nurse Practitioners with the remaining practices, working in Practices ranging from 2 to 8 GPs.
The Orcades Practice consists of 5 island branch settings with all personnel being employees of NHS Orkney. Likewise we have 4 other islands who are linked to 3 mainland practices who provide a visiting GP service with Nurse Practitioners providing 24 hour care who are likewise employees of NHS Orkney.
The Isles Network of Care (INoC) was formed to ensure peer support is available for all practitioners working in the remote smaller island settings and they have regular weekly VC meetings.