Stephen Brown
Stephen is a social worker who has worked in the public sector for almost thirty years. He has worked in Glasgow and Ayrshire in a variety of roles including Chief Social Work Officer and Chief Officer. He is currently the Chief Officer for the Integration Joint Board.
Stephen has responsibility for a large variety of community health and care services formally delegated through the Orkney Integration Scheme which includes:
- Adoption and Fostering.
- Adult Placement Services.
- Adult Protection and Domestic Abuse.
- Aspects of Housing Support, including aids and adaptions.
- Assessments of Offenders.
- Care Home Services.
- Carers and Support Services.
- Child Care Assessment and Care Management.
- Child Protection.
- Clinical Psychology Services.
- Community Care Assessment teams.
- Community Learning Disabilities and Social Work services for Learning Disabilities and Physical Disabilities.
- Community Mental Health Services.
- Community Physiotherapy, Speech and Language, Dietetics and OT Services.
- Continence Services.
- Day Services.
- District Nursing.
- Diversions from Prosecution and Fiscal Work Orders.
- Early Intervention.
- Family Health Services Prescribing.
- General and Public Dental Services.
- Intermediate Care Team.
- Local Area Co-ordination.
- Looked After and Accommodated Children.
- Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements.
- Occupational Therapy and Re-ablement Services, Equipment and Telecare.
- Out of Hours GP service.
- Palliative Care Services.
- Pharmaceutical Services.
- Primary Medical Services.
- School Nursing Health Visitors.
- Services provided by health professionals that aim to promote public health.
- Services to Courts and Parole Board.
- Sexual and Reproductive Health excluding hospital obstetrics/gynaecology services.
- Social Work Services for adults and older people; Children and Young People; Criminal Justice.
- Special Needs/ Additional Support.
- Substance Misuse Services and Drug and Alcohol Services.
- Supervision of Offenders Subject to a Community Based order.
- Support Services.
- Through care and Supervision of released prisoners.
- Through Care Services
- Youth Justice Services
In addition to the resources that are mentioned above, there is also a requirement to jointly plan wider aspects of the local overall health service alongside NHS Orkney’s acute services which include:
- Accident and Emergency.
- Inpatient Hospital Services.
- Macmillan Palliative Care.
- Mental Health Service provide in a hospital.
- Ophthalmic Services.
- Resource Transfer, including Voluntary Services.